Are you currently donating to charity from your pay?
(if you are there will be a 'GAYE' or 'Payroll Giving' deduction on your payslip)

Personal details
Employer and workplace details
Charity details

Start typing charity name here:

If your charity does not pre-populate please include the registration number.


Opting in to receive charity marketing communications means you can see how your chosen charity/ies use your donations to help provide their services. "Marketing" consists of any communication which promotes a charity or its values, so could be anything from a newsletter to a specific appeal. Using the boxes below, please indicate which channels your charity may use to send you marketing. Ticking as many boxes as possible gives your charity the option of choosing which way works best for them. If you select 'no contact' then you will not hear from your charity at all. We will never share your details without consent.

This is the gross deduction that will show on your payslip and how much your charities will collectively receive from your pay.

This is how much your net take-home pay will be reduced by. The additional funds your charity receives are made up from money you would have paid in tax.

The data supplied will be stored and used by Hands On Payroll Giving and associated organisations to enable your donation to be processed. Your details will be sent to your employer's payroll department and contracted Payroll Giving Agency.

You may be contacted in the event of a specific query needed to resolve the processing of your data for the purposes of these instructions. Hands On Payroll Giving will store your data in line with our internal Data Protection Policy for a period of 7 years, after which time we will delete your information. For more info please see our full Privacy Policy.

Your name and any contact details as specified above will be sent to your nominated charity/ies to assist with tracking your donation. If you have opted for 'no contact' your contact details will not be shared with your charity/ies. Charities may use Third Parties for support services, with whom they are contracted, and with whom they may share your data for processing purposes. To view your chosen charity's privacy statement, please visit their website.

By submitting this donation you are confirming this is a tax-free donation through your employer's Payroll Giving scheme that will not be included on any personal tax returns.

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Hands On Payroll Giving is a Professional Fundraising Organisation that assist employers and employees with Payroll Giving for the benefit of any charity. We promote the concept of individuals supporting any charity they wish, not just the charities that Hands On represents. We actively represent and are funded by the charities listed on our website; however, we facilitate and support donations to any UK charity. Hands On Payroll Giving
Only if support is generated from our work are, we paid a fee by the charities we represent (please visit for a full list). The average life of a Payroll Giver is 6 - 7 years. Last year our work resulted in the recruitment of new Payroll Giving donors pledging to donate in the region of £22 million during their lifetime. Our remuneration for generating this income was £850,000. This income funds our premises, office staff and team of fundraisers that visit workplaces to engage with people about Payroll Giving. This year we estimate our annual remuneration will be in the region of £950,000. This cost is proportionately shared (in accordance with donations made) by the charities we are contracted to. Each charity monitors money received by the individual concerned, and if a donor does not make their first payment for any reason, then the charity concerned receives a full refund from Hands On Payroll Giving.
Privacy policy

Call us on: 01433 651972 or submit your question below, we'll come back to you asap (usually within 24 hours)