Cats Protection

Our partners at Cats Protection want to create a society where every cat has their best possible life because they are protected, cared for, understood and valued by everyone.
Cats Protection is a movement of people championing the welfare of cats. They lead society in a richer understanding of all cats and care for those that need their help.
Cats Protection has been championing cats for 96 years. This includes helping over 157,000 cats and kittens every year – in 2022 they helped 400 cats a day. They have successfully campaigned for compulsory microchipping, are lobbying MPs about the licensing of air guns and cat breeding and a ban on snares. They are leading cat veterinary experts, with over 700 people from 16 countries attending the third annual cat behaviour conference, and have delivered over 930 cat welfare talks to over 25,000 people in 2022. They do an incredible amount and we support their efforts to help people see the world through cats’ eyes.